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4 résultats
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A metabolic trade-off impacting childhood language development and body growth

Sophie Bouton , Coralie Chevallier , Aminata Hallimat Cissé , Barbara Heude , Pierre Jacquet
Pré-publication, Document de travail hal-04304158v1
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Metabolic trade-offs in childhood: Exploring the relationship between language development and body growth

Sophie Bouton , Coralie Chevallier , Aminata Hallimat Cissé , Barbara Heude , Pierre O. Jacquet
Developmental Science, 2024, 27 (4), pp.e13493. ⟨10.1111/desc.13493⟩
Article dans une revue hal-04616770v1
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Interpretability of statistical approaches in speech and language neuroscience

Sophie Bouton , Valerian Chambon , Narly Golestani , Elia Formisano , Timothée Proix , et al.
Pré-publication, Document de travail hal-04284936v1

The WALNUT project: Does cell wall pectic fraction modification influence plant nutrition and/or phytoremediation capacities ?

Jonathan Robilliard , Sophie Bouton , Karine Pageau , Catherine Rayon , Stéphanie Guénin , et al.
Plant Cell Wall Meeting : XVI PCWM, Jun 2023, Malaga, Spain
Poster de conférence hal-04455026v1